Vagelis Dimopoulos


Vangelis or Evangelos (choose what you like) was born 25 years ago in Larissa and till now, he is trying to figure himself out.

He came in Thessaloniki in 2009 to study Electrical and Computer Engineering but still he is not so sure about that. Having this incessant need to find himself he tried theater and music but his passion was and still is photography.

He believes in volunteerism and doesn’t miss a chance to take part in such projects or actions. He became part of the TEDxThessaloniki family last year as the manager of Ticketing and Registration. As you can see, he’s still trying new things.

He is mad about music and cinema, he enjoys theater and fashion, he drinks a lot of coffee and his favorite drink is gin with lemon.

Lust but not least, he never forgets to smile and enjoys people who do so.